(UN):Actions for peace: Our aspiration for the #GlobalGoals in 2023
On September 21st of each year, people all across the world mark the International Day of Peace (IDP). This day has been designated by the UN General Assembly as a time to enhance the values of peace by engaging in a 24-hour period of nonviolence and a cease-fire. Our world has never needed peace more.
Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals is the theme for this year. It serves as a call to action that acknowledges both our individual and group responsibilities in promoting peace. A culture of peace will be established for all people if the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are accomplished. Promoting peace helps to realize the SDGs.
“Peace is needed now more than ever,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Tens of millions of people are being ejected from their homes as a result of war and conflict, which is causing destruction, poverty, and starvation. Chaos in the climate is pervasive. And even tranquil nations are engulfed in stark inequality and political division.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals’ implementation will reach its halfway point in 2023. To commemorate the mid-point milestone, the 2023 International Day of Peace commemoration falls on the same weekend as the SDG conference (18–19 September).
The SDGs seek to advance the development of society that are more tranquil, just, and inclusive and are free from violence and fear. However, the objectives will not be met without the support and participation of a wide range of players, including the 1.2 billion young people who are alive now. We cordially urge you to support the UN’s call to action to fight inequality, advance climate change mitigation, and advance and defend human rights.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights & the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide both celebrate their 75th anniversaries in 2023. IDP 2023 calls on all young people to join the movement to achieve the SDGs and contribute to the establishment of lasting peace while being ambitious in their engagement as constructive and good social actors. Together, we can guide the world toward a future that is greener, more egalitarian, just, and secure for everyone.