Russia’s involvement in the military parade is defended by Mexico’s President

(PO): Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the president of Mexico, responded to allegations that his nation had provided a platform to forces that invaded Ukraine by defending the participation of a Russian military unit in a weekend parade commemorating Mexico’s independence day.

Lopez Obrador said that Mexico has permitted any country to participate despite criticism from the Ukrainian ambassador to Mexico, opposition lawmakers, and critical media on Saturday regarding the decision to permit a Russian battalion to participate.

Lopez Obrador noted that the presence of the Russian force had caused a “scandal,” adding that “we have relations with all countries in the world and we invite everyone.” Leftist Lopez Obrador once suggested holding peace negotiations in an effort to keep Mexico impartial in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. However, three significant U.N. resolutions denouncing Russia’s involvement in the crisis have received support from his government.

Oksana Dramaretska, the ambassador to Mexico, claimed on X that the procession had been “sullied” by the presence of a Russian troop that was “stained with blood.”

On the website formerly known as Twitter, Dramaretska posted, “How logical is it Mr. Lopez Obrador with your stance of neutrality and denunciation of aggression against my country? The 154th Preobrazhenskiy Regiment’s involvement was honored by the Russian consulate in Mexico.

The Russian consulate in Mexico City proclaimed, “Long live the friendship between Mexico and Russia!” on X. Along with other countries, participants included units from Brazil, Chile, China, Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

Nicaragua’s participation was criticized as well because of how hard the country’s leadership was clamping down on Daniel Ortega’s opponents. Ortega claims that his rivals have been plotting a coup.

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