BHC hosting exhibition to encourage dialogue on protecting the environment.

Lahore : After a successful Karachi run, the National History Museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year images are in Lahore!

The highlights exhibition, featuring 18 winning images of the world-renowned 60th Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, is on loan from the Natural History Museum in London in Pakistan for a short time only.

Audiences and students in Karachi enjoyed the images, and Ibrahim, a student of year 6, writes about his favourite picture, “It shows that no matter how small one may be, together anything is possible, regardless of one’s size.”

The British High Commission in Pakistan is hosting the exhibition to encourage dialogue on protecting the environment, and to encourage Pakistani photographers to take part in the competition.

The Exhibition will be available to view at the British Council Library Lahore from 11 February to 21 February.

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