Settlers’ terrorism in the West Bank falls within the framework of the war

Gaza : The settlers, their organizations, terrorist elements, and settlement associations are participating in the war of genocide against our people and their just and legitimate national rights, under the direction, protection, and support of the ruling Israeli extremist right.

The settlers are exploiting the regional and international preoccupation with the crime of genocide taking place in the Gaza Strip, and are escalating their attacks and theft of more Palestinian land, whether by establishing more random settlement outposts, as is happening in Beit Furik, the Al-Auja area, and Deir Qarunful in Jericho and Masafer Yatta, or by expelling and displacing Bedouin communities, as is happening in the northern Jordan Valley; in flagrant violation of international law, international legitimacy resolutions, and signed agreements.

It has become clear that the settlement organizations and their terrorist elements are an executive tool for the directives of the right-wing government and its extremist ministers in the occupying state, who carry out their attacks under the protection of the occupation army.

The escalation of settler attacks is evidence of the failure of the international community to put an end to their systematic attacks on defenseless Palestinian civilians, their lands, properties and holy sites, and further proof that international responses have not risen to the level of the risks facing the Palestinian people.

The Ministry stresses that protecting the two-state solution requires international courage in calling things by their names and holding the Israeli government and its Prime Minister Netanyahu fully and directly responsible for these crimes. It requires all countries to link the level of their relationship with the occupying state to the extent of its commitment to halting settlements and its compliance with international law and the international will for peace. In this context, the principle of accountability, prosecution and prosecution of terrorist elements and those behind them is of great importance.

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