Sightsavers and CBID Network Applaud PBS for First National Disability Data Set in Historic Digital Census

Islamabad, Sightsavers and Community Based Inclusive Development Network (CBIDN) Pakistan lauds Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) making First National Data Set on Disability, possible in Pakistan through 7th Population and Housing Census 2023. The results reveal that the population of individuals with disabilities in Pakistan stands at 9.64%.

This was the first ever digital census of the country that used a tool to measure disability prevalence in the country. This achievement is the result of persistent and collective advocacy efforts by the CBIDN-Pakistan, led by people with disabilities and Sightsavers (an international organization) working in Pakistan since 1985 for prevention of blindness and empowering people with disabilities’ rights.

Sightsavers, in close collaboration with CBIDN provided technical assistance to the technical committee of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) in adapting the Washington Group Short set of Questions in the census questionnaire for disability statistics. This tool, developed in consultation with Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) from across Pakistan under the umbrella of CBID Network, ensures that the census accurately reflects the prevalence of disabilities within the population. Previously, Sightsavers has provided comprehensive training to PBS’s master trainers on the use of the disability questionnaire ensuring accuracy and inclusivity in Pakistan Social and Living Standard Survey (PSLM).

Munazza Gillani, Director Pakistan and Middle East, Sightsavers congratulated all members of CBIDN on this remarkable accomplishment. She highlighted that their contributions are making a real difference in the lives of individuals across Pakistan and Sightsavers is proud to be the founding member of CBIDN. She further expressed her gratitude, “we are grateful to the management of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics for being patient and supportive for adopting our suggested tools and questions in the census questionnaire and training of their master trainers through our support. But the journey doesn’t end here rather this is the beginning now to improve the way we collect and analyse this data correctly for its appropriate use in informed decision making at all levels.”

It is worth noting that as per the Key Findings Report of National Population Census of 2023 by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the percentage of population with functional limitations is 9.4% (by adding all three levels of FL, i.e., some difficulty, a lot of difficulty to perform a task and or cannot do it at all), , which means almost 6.54% of the Pakistan’s population have some form of functional limitation in seeing, hearing, physical, communication and or cognitive skills.

CBID Network Pakistan and Sightsavers are committed to maintain an ongoing engagement with PBS to further enhance the data analysis and its application across various ministries and departments. This continued collaboration aims to ensure that the census data is effectively used to inform and improve policies and programs that address the needs of all citizens, particularly those with disabilities.

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