Sherry demands comprehensive review of Senate’s limited budget powers

Islamabad: Senator Sherry Rehman, Parliamentary Leader of the PPP, while addressing the Senate session, highlighted the critical issue of the Senate’s budget authority, emphasizing the need to review the matter.

Senator Rehman criticized PTI for obstructing budget speeches and not participating in the passage of a resolution against extremism. “Tehreek-e-Insaf did not allow budget speeches in last session. We moved a resolution against extremism in the Senate, but Tehreek-e-Insaf members did not sign it as they were busy protesting. This unfortunate attitude meant the resolution, which should have been passed unanimously, was passed by majority vote instead. PTI is now complaining about not being asked to sign the resolution, which is simply not true,” she stated.

Sherry continued, “It is unacceptable for the government to present a resolution without securing the opposition’s signature. Tehreek-e-Insaf also refused to sign a similar agreement in the National Assembly.” Referring to the Leader of the opposition, she added, “Such arrogance is detrimental. As a former leader of the opposition, I understand the importance of constructive participation. Daily displays of anger, possibly instructed, only increase bitterness.”

“The Senate creates a balance between the center, provinces, and the political parties, but its powers are limited in the budget process. As per rules, the Senate Standing Committee on Finance has 14 days to submit its recommendations, which the National Assembly can accept or reject at its discretion,” Sherry asserted.

She further remarked, “This year, the committee made 128 recommendations after detailed deliberations with all the stakeholders. Normally, most Senate recommendations are rejected within minutes in the National Assembly. Our recommendations should not be dismissed. This house is not a second-class parliament.” “The economic audit occurring in the Senate is unparalleled, yet we lack budgetary authority. Senate recommendations should be discussed and implemented; the Senate is not just a debating club,” Sherry added.

Senator Rehman called for a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to address these concerns and develop a plan of action. “A meeting of the Committee of the Whole should be called to deliberate on this matter and decide on a concrete plan of action,” she concluded.

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